Shayla has actually been aware that Mother's Day is coming up (thanks to all the incessant and ridiculously cheesy jewelry commercials). She wasn't exactly sure when it was apparently because she thought it was yesterday. I woke up to her coming in my room with a breakfast tray (grapes and water). But that wasn't the best part. The best part was the card she brought with it. She is so adorable.
She actually does know how to spell her name correctly, but lately she has been working on sounding things out when she writes. She insists that her name is spelled with a "U" on the end and not an "A" because "U" says "Uh"
That is too precious! I also got a early mothers day present from Jordyn- a reese's candy bar - that her and the boys ate :)and a cute poem that I'm sure her teacher wrote (bless her heart!) I'm still trying to get ahold of you. Since you haven't really mastered the phone concept maybe you should give me your email address ;)
Love you. Happy Mothers Day
I love it:) Hey at least her name is spelt normal! not like Chy- who does that? Happy Mothers Day
What a hearty breakfast! How cute of her though!
i love how she knows you so well and made sure the water was cold. happy mother's day to one of my favorite mothers!
That's darling! Love that she will spell her name how she sees fit. She seems like a fun little girl! What a sweetheart for bringing you breakfast too! Love it! Happy Mother's Day!
That's way too sweet!
I love your mother's day present, so cute!
o.k. so that is pretty cute! It's fun that you have someone old enough to kinda get the idea of mother's day...even if it is on the wrong day! I figure I won't really get a mother's day probably till Tessa is old enough to understand it! :)
Hey Becca, this is Audrey I just joined the blog page. yours has got to be one of my favorites. you are still as beautiful as ever. Your kids are darling. Don't you love mothers day when they're a little older like this. They are so fun and creative and I think these cute home made projects are such a reminder of why we get up in the night, wipe runny noses, and do everything for them. Hope everything is well. my blog page is
P.S. Do you know of any place my hubby could stay for the month of Sept? He is doing a rotation out there at Kaiser Santa Clara. If you here anything or know of anyone will you let me know? Thanks!
So I TIVO'D American Idol last night and I am barely watching it. David Cook's version of First Time Ever I Saw Your Face-AMAZING. That's why in my dreams we are married. I hope he wins and I hope you have to suffer through his smug "of coarse I won" face. As long as Syesha goes home I am happy.
Hi there. Thanks for writing me. It's good to hear from you. Your family is absolutely adorable. You guys look like a family from a magazine. You are all beautiful.What are you up to? I'm just staying home, finding fun things to do. Talk to you later!
So, American Idol tonight. I'm sad to say I think Archuleta did better and will probably win. Good for him. I guess that way you won't have to suffer through Cook's smug face. Did you hear Simon say Cook was one of the nicest, most genuine people ever to be on the show? (Or something to that effect) The boxing theme kind of threw me off. And did you hear Randy say it was 2007 and nobody corrected him? Weird. Anyway, love you. I'll call you so we can argue about my boyfriend. But be nice...American Idol comes on earlier here. I could always call and tell you who won :)
Seriously...It's time for a new post....and a new phone. Or are you just screening my phone calls? ;) Love you.
How in the H*@# do I get a picture of David Cook on my post? Even better would be a widget so I could stare at him all the time. I need him. Yummy
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